Our role as conscious consumers…

We get to vote, every day.

With the current state of the world, more than ever, we can make a huge impact with every, single dollar we spend.
As consumers, we have all the power when it comes to creating change!

Without a doubt small, local businesses are struggling right now and need us more than ever. Local business owners are facing challenges that could never have been imagined a short 6-months ago.

Let’s be honest, Walmart, Woolworths, Starbucks, they are going to be just fine through this time…

So, instead of buying your groceries from the big chain store, is there a small, local farmer you can buy from - even for your fruit and veggies? Instead of buying from Amazon, is there someone on Etsy you can purchase the same item from (even if it costs $5 more)? A local cafe you can get your morning cuppa from? A piece from a local artist for that gift you need to give? The opportunities to create change are endless!

Right now, we are shaping what business can look like when we come out on the other side of this. And that’s pretty amazing…

I for one, really believe that we have the power to make change, and have an impact every day, with every dollar. What are you choosing to do with that power?

As a small business owner, I hope you know I do a happy dance for every. Single. Order. Whether it’s a print, a stack of cards, a painting, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here and for your unwavering support.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what you feel makes a conscious consumer below.


Staying entertained during lockdown 3.0…


Worldwide Reflections