Exactly what I needed...

I’ve landed back in Australia after spending an incredible 2 months back home in Canada.
For those that don’t know, it’s been a long slog --- first, visa delays, then COVID, needless to say, I was away from home for a heck of a lot longer than I had ever intended.

When I reflect back on the time I was able to spend there, the word that comes to mind --- grateful.

The entire time I was home, all I could think is how grateful I was to be there. To be spending time with some of my favourite people in the world. To be meeting their little Bubs. To be traveling around not one, but two incredible provinces, and even over to Vancouver Island. Mind you, even the day-to-day was special --- walks to the chicken coop with my sister, auntie duty for school drop-offs, watching my nieces and nephews doing sports they love.
I shared some of the longest, most joyful, tear-filled hugs of my life. I lost count of the number of times I cried at the sight of mountains. I slept in 14 different beds, put over 10,000kms on my Mum’s car, and have come back with a cup that’s not only full but overflowing!

I have to say for anyone that hasn’t yet been to Canada, go! I know what you’re probably thinking, that I’m biased, and I am, but after nearly 5 years away, this trip back was a reminder of just how incredible the country is… Snow-capped mountains, crystal clear lakes, fog-covered douglas firs, bald eagles. Honestly, I’m obsessed and am already counting down to the next visit.

Then, to all the incredible people in my life that made this trip so special, you truly made it more than I ever could have imagined. You guys are the best and I am just so lucky to have you in my life!
Before leaving I expressed to my family that it’s my intention to spend a couple of months at home every year from here on out, it’s in the works, so please, hold me to it.

Here, I share only a handful of these magic experiences…
I can’t wait to have more to share with you soon!


When we need a little rest…


2021, let’s wrap this up!