Taking a new path…

Today, let’s talk about feeling fear, and facing it head on anyways (or at least that’s the idea)!

Since I started this website and opened this side of myself to the world, I’ve had plenty of ideas swirling through my mind, some stick, some pass on by. I’ve taken the next step on a few of these ideas just recently, and once I pulled the trigger, I had this moment of doubt - what was I thinking? What if this doesn’t work and people aren’t interested? What if I’ve wasted all that money on an idea that won’t work? What if, what if, what if. Essentially it boiled down to - what if I fail?

And then I really needed to sit with that idea, what if I fail?

What is actually going to happen if one of my ideas doesn’t work? Well, here’s the bottom line, as Lou gently pointed out to me during a weak point, not every single idea is going to be a success or maybe it will but not in the way that I initially expected. And you know, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! I am not going to learn, take new leaps and get onto another path without taking those chances.

So, what if I just take a breath, stop resisting and let it flow. Turn that page, jump into the next chapter and listen to whatever these lessons are trying to tell me. Much easier said than done isn’t it?

I suppose on the one hand I am saying, stay tuned everybody, there are new things coming soon! And on the other hand I am asking what you fear in this moment? Have you had something on your mind but have been too afraid to take the jump? Perhaps a new career calling? A big purchase? I keep trying to remember, we have this one life. We have this one opportunity to make a difference and leave the impact we want to leave, every moment spent in doubt is taking away from those experiences. So I wish you all the best with your next move, I hope it takes you one step closer to your next journey…

As Robin Williams said, “…the idea is that there will always be a little bit of fear but you have to just keep at it, day by day.”

So for today, breathing, dreaming, and waiting to see what I learn from this next step.


What we’ve been missing…


Small Changes, Big Impact